
Branding Technology is the Same But Different

Branding is a word which is often perceived as the preserve of arty creative types paid too much money to come up with simple, even simplistic ideas. Moreover, with regard to firms which produce technology goods and whose focus is mired in the complexity of features and engineering, brand management is often very low on ...

Business & Technology Crack

Many people say that the business drives the technology whereas some people say that the technology drives the business. It is really unknown that which is really responsible for what and I must say that the emergence of the information technology has really made it even more complex. All the people who are involved in ...

Fear of Technology – What and Why

Did you know that a significantly percentage of today’s modern people actually suffers from a condition called fear of technology. Strange as it may sound, in America, arguably the most advanced country of the world, 55% of the population actually fears to take advantage of technology in their everyday lives. Today, we agree that we ...

Negotiating Technology Contracts in Health Care

Technology spending for hardware, software and consulting services accounts for a significant portion of most health care providers budgets today, especially since the Obama Stimulus Plan and HITECH Act are incentivizing providers to implement electronic health records. In a perfect world, technology works perfectly, improves efficiency and the quality of care and makes life easier ...