Articles for tag: Technology Update

Major Areas of Study at Tennessee Technology Center at Nashville

Tennessee Technology Centre at Nashville is one of the 26 technology centers established in the year 1963. The technology center excels in offering technical training programs in various fields. Types of Degrees The Tennessee Technology at Nashville is a public institute that has 2-year degree programs as its main offerings. In addition, the technology center ...

Pile On The Learning, Easy On The Technology

Much has been written about the technology of training. The story is often the same: companies are chomping at the bit for the opportunity to exercise the latest and greatest training technologies in an effort to reduce costs and reach employees effectively. The trend is understandable. Technology has made training much more convenient, and essential ...

How Technology Creates Wealth

Dynamic markets create opportunity Markets create energy because they are dynamic. They are constantly evolving in response to changes in the economic, political and technological environments. Understanding what causes a market to evolve helps you predict where opportunities will emerge; how fast they will develop, and when and whether mass adoption will occur. If you ...

Hydrogen Fuel Technology Benefits

Whys is hydrogen fuel technology becoming increasingly popular and how can it benefit the users of hydrogen technology. Before we can answer those simple questions one needs to know more about when and why hydrogen fuel technology was built. During the early 1900’s hydrogen technology was first introduced by Nicola Tesla. What Nicola Tesla discovered ...

The History of 3D Technology

3D technology can be traced all the way back to the beginning of photography. In 1844 David Brewster invented the Stereoscope. It was a new invention that could take photographic images in 3D. Later, Louis Jules Duboscq took that invention and improved on it. Louis took a picture of Queen Victoria using the improved technology ...

The Promise of Technology is Intangible

Technology-enabled solutions are intangible sales. People don’t buy the machine; they buy what it enables. Average sales people tend to perceive technology as a tangible, so they focus on the functionality. Exceptional sales people understand that customers only care about the results the technology enables, which is intangible. This difference in perception about the nature ...

The Reason You Did Not Buy a Technology

“…we’re talking about improving your business so the onus to find value in technology is actually on you!” I just read Joel Bruckenstein’s 2009 Software and Technology Survey on Financial Planning’s website (read the article). It’s a great article and Joel did a lot of analysis to help us all understand what technologies people are ...

The Social Technological Landscape

A Discourse on Techno-sociological Behaviors Technological advances are no longer terms that prompt confused facial responses and infantile explanations. The presence of these advances and a host of recreational gadgets transform mediocrity into fame. These projections are witnessed through television documentaries, motion pictures, and supportive media. The issues raised by technological advances guide the process ...

People, Process and Technology

The three keywords in use inside a Manufacturing plant or a Software Unit are People, Processes, and Technology. Let us see the contribution of each of these tangible and intangible assets. People: People are decision makers, policy builders, Project Managers, Engineers, essentially assets who reap, sow and harvest. Processes: Imagine a task which one undertakes ...